Friday, May 29, 2009

Today we took Alli to Grant’s Farm in St. Louis. The weather was incredibly nice, it could not have been better. Alli enjoyed the outing, but is still a bit young to fully appreciate all there is to see and do at Grant's Farm.
Alli pointed at all the big animals and said “cow”. (close enough)

The goats were pushy and wanted to eat her skirt. I helped her give them a bottle.

She liked looking at the pony…….but she was more interested in what the other kids nearby were up to.
She had the most fun twirling around in the shade when we stopped to let her out of her stroller.

After Grants Farm we went shopping at Gringo Jones. This store is sure fun to explore.
(We didn't buy anything.)
Then we ate our Lion’s Choice and went to visit Grandma Arden for the evening.

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