Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Zoe (17)

Zoe just finished up 11th grade, so next year she will be a senior. Today she turns 17. This mom has mixed emotions (of course) as I watch my children becoming adults right before my eyes.

Zoe was my first baby girl (and my last or so I thought). I was so happy to see her when she arrived; finally another girl in the house.

She was always a tiny little girl and I did my best to hold her ALL THE TIME. I wanted to cherish every moment with this “last” one.

She was always very smart and had a style of her own….even as a toddler.

I let her hair grow long and it was beautiful.

Later in school she would get lice and her grandma would cut all her hair off!

When she became a teen ager, her hair turned curly. (I never knew that could happen.) It is a nice loose curl that I would love to have. She never liked it long or curly so this is a rare glimpse at her “real” hair.

In high school she continued to refine her style. I just love this self portrait she took of her and her best friend.

This year she decided dreadlocks were going to be her thing.

And more recently she has adopted the colored dreadlocks. (It’s not my favorite.)

For all her funkiness, she really is a good kid. She makes good grades and excels at art. She had some of her work feature in the annual art publication her high school publishes!

She also made the style page of the year book.

She is far left in long skit.

This summer she is attending a 3 week art camp on a full scholarship.

I am very proud of her for having her dreams and working to make them a reality even if sometimes it makes me nervous.

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