Friday, March 06, 2009

Thought for the day.
It has come to my attention that everyone is constantly showering Alli with love and affection. That all day long she is told she is smart and pretty and loved. I see how much she enjoys this positive feedback and how much she feeds off it and how it makes her feel so happy and satisfied. Then I think about my teen agers and how they don’t necessarily get this type of constant praise. They get a lot more negative feedback than positive. Or maybe they just get no feedback when positive attention would be appropriate. No one does this on purpose; it is just how we generally related to people of these different age groups. I think the older kids could use more positive feedback and more talk about their strengths and how much they are loved. So……..note to self………be more conscious about giving Malcolm and Zoe positive attention and outward displays of love and affection. It can’t hurt and it just might help.

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