Wednesday, July 16, 2008

This is how they looked after 24 hours on the river!

This morning at 8 am I met James and Slebos at Coopers Landing to take them breakfast. They are currently in second place. They are making excellent time given the fact that they are in a canoe, not a kayak. The team that is winning is in a really fast kayak. I took them lunch at the Jefferson City check point and they were in good spirits. Tired and sore of course, but they seemed to be in pretty good shape. However........I think they are getting too much sun and not enough sleep.

I have official confirmation that the kids made it to Japan safely and are now with their host families.

And, last but not least, Alli is now officially crawling. This morning she managed to go about 5 feet to get the remote control I was using as bate. The funny thing is she used one knee and one foot. She looked pretty funny with her chubby knee in the air. I am sure she thinks it is more like walking which is what she REALLY wants to do.

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