Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Alli Bean is learning new tricks at an astounding rate!!!

Here she is walking with Steve around the office. This is her all time favorite thing to do right now. She is like a drug addict looking for her next fix. She will try to get anyone and everyone to hold her hands so she can walk around.

Here is another new trick that brings joy to her life. When in our restrooms at work, she sits in the sink and puts running water on her feet.

Today, she was SO proud of herself. She was letting go of the edge of her Pack-n-play on purpose and then she would shriek with joy at how smart she was. She can let go for at least 10 seconds!

Zoe is on an airplane headed for Japan! (this is NOW freaking me out)

5 pm update recieved on the boys in the boat race. They are ahead of schedule, in 3rd place and feeling strong.

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