Thursday, April 10, 2008

As of 4-3-08 Alli is 6 months old!
Official vital statistics from her 6 month check up are:
Height = 26.5 inches (90%)
Weight = 18 lbs. 4 oz. (95%)
Head = 17.25 inches (92%)

What can I say, the girl likes to eat!
She is very strong and healthy and most likely NOT destined to be the biggest kid on the block even if she is now.

She is now eating some solid foods such as crackers and bread and baby diced carrots.

Some bad news…….tomorrow I am headed back to the podiatrist for another foot surgery. The right foot has a swollen hard area where the Neuroma was removed. He thinks if he goes in and takes out some more “matter” he can fix it. I sure hope so. My feet have been worse, not better since the surgery in January. I am, as expected, disappointed. I had very much wanted to be back to exercising and getting into shape for spring by now.

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