Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Last Friday I finally climbed on my bike for the first time since my foot surgery. It was not the first time since Alli was born because I had taken the mountain bike out to Rockbridge a few times last fall. I recall my post pregnancy mountain biking thought was “HOLLY COW this is much easier without a baby inside you”!

On Friday, James got home a bit late and talked me into taking the cross bike out on the MKT trail. I only biked 4 miles before it got dark but man was it wonderful. I had honestly forgotten how much I love riding my bike. With winter and my foot surgery, I have not been biking, running or ANYTHING. It has been a long, sedentary winter. But now I am excited about spring and excited to ride my bike again. My feet are still bothering me, and I am not sure if they are supposed to be this bad or if something is wrong. Basically, in the morning when I walk across the kitchen floor, they hurt and I hobble. During the day I don’t notice a constant pain, but periodically I am aware that they still hurt. I have not walked a lot but they do seem to be improving over time. So biking felt great and my feet survived, the only negative was my butt!…… is not used to a bike saddle AT ALL anymore. Only 4 miles and my sit bones were sore for three days and that was on the cushy bike seat! Oh well, I guess I will have to condition my legs, my lungs AND my arse to ride again.

Sunday was Easter and Alli put on tights and a dress for the first time. She was SOOO cute.

She really enjoyed Easter. She did not get to eat any candy, but we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Kaufman and she was loved and entertained all day long. She even tasted fresh strawberries. She is almost 6 months old now and is eating a lot of “spoon” food. Her hands down favorite is apple sauce but she seems to eat just about anything which is nice. She has also rolled over a few times, but is still not rolling regularly or with ease. About a week ago she started sitting by herself. She does topple occasionally but she loves to sit up and look around and play.
Alli is drooling like crazy and I keep expecting her first two bottom teeth to erupt soon. I think she will be relieved when they do, but I will be a bit sad. There is something so cute and irresistible about a baby with no teeth and their sweet little soft pink mouth. Besides, she likes to bite on her mama and that will have to stop once the teeth get here!

She can hold her own bottle.

Grandpa, Alli and Daddy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your back on the bike. I got on mine a couple weeks ago and went about 10 miles before my shoulder started bothering me. It's going to be a long road ahead.