Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Tax Day!!
(and Jessica’s birthday)

Last Friday I had surgery on my right foot again and that went just fine. I’m not kidding when I tell you the right foot feels better than the left now! 2 weeks in the “booty” and then 2 weeks of resting my foot and I think this time it will be fine.
BUT………then………I have to decide when to do the left foot over. Gee I look like a dork!

Saturday morning, Alli crammed my hand in her mouth to chew on it and I felt something sharp. Her first tooth is here!

Sunday we were all a little bored and stir crazy so Daddy loaded Alli into the new fancy bike trailer and took her out for a spin. It was chilly so we bundled her up good. They were gone for about an hour. Alli slept most of the time and seemed to really enjoy her trip. She was in a good mood the rest of the day.

The day we had photos taken, we met a baby named Brooke. She was born on the same day as Alli. My money is on Alli should they start wrestling.

just looking cute after her bath

eating crackers at work

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's a little ham around the camera!