Monday, October 01, 2007

Friday night, I picked up Zoe (Malcolm was sleeping over at a friend’s…..he and his football buddies are ALWAYS together). My mom came out from STL and the three of us went out for Chinese. We ate at a VERY mediocre restaurant. Zoe said the food court at the mall has better Chinese. I had never been there before as it is by the “new” house. Anyway, it has been crossed off my list of places to eat.

We then went to Blockbuster to pick up something to watch; rented “Georgia Rule” with Jane Fonda and Lindsey Lohan. Zoe saw it and put her hands on her hips and said to me “I am not watching a Lindsey Lohan movie!” I commended her on her convictions and high moral standing……..and told her we were renting it anyway because I wanted to watch it. Mostly to see what Jane Fonda is up to. Zoe did however end up watching and enjoying the movie. I liked it too……..would recommend it. Not a great movie but not a bad way to entertain yourself. While we watched the movie, Zoe and I painted our toe nails. I want to have nice looking feet for my big event on Wednesday.

Saturday the three of us ran errands and did shopping. Got Zoe some basketball clothes since she has practice every day after school now. Found some really nice boys basketball shorts at Kohl’s for only $6 each. We had brunch at Panera (a bread, coffee, sandwich shop out of STL). Purchased the last of the baby stuff list; got some cute Playtex “drop in” bottles at Target.

Also, on Saturday afternoon, we stopped by “Turn the Page”, which is a day care center here in town that one of my oldest friends (since grade school), Sue Menius, is part owner. They recently completed a huge addition to the day care and it was so much fun to get a tour. She also had a gift for the baby; a travel swing. I totally need a swing, so I was thrilled. We all love Sue-Sue!

Saturday afternoon, after we were all exhausted from shopping, we returned home and plugged in the first season of Lost and started watching it. I had seen a few later episodes and wanted to start at the beginning. Both Zoe and my Mom really enjoyed it and we watched the whole first DVD (4 episodes). Zoe wanted me to go get the second one, but my mom wanted to watch Transamerica. We got my mom’s pick. It is not a bad movie either……….about a man who is in the process of becoming a women (sex change) and her finding out that she has a son from a relationship in college some 17 years ago. It tackled some mature subjects and relationship issues………again, I would recommend, but not an all time great or anything.

Yesterday morning I yapped with my mom over coffee and then she headed back to STL around 9 am. Zoe then emerged from the bedroom (she is a sleep in person) and the two of us had breakfast and decided to take some final photos of me pregnant. Then, we could not find my camera. I was so sure it was in the car, but we looked in the car and thru all my bags, etc and could not find it; which put me a rather nasty mood. Right now is not when I want to be losing a brand new $300 digital camera.

Then, my friend Cherie phoned and wanted to meet me at the Home Depot to buy supplies to put a drop ceiling in the basement of my house I am selling. (Her husband is doing the install) The real estate people all tell me that I cannot count the basement as finished space unless it has a ceiling. It has all the walls and doors, etc……..just exposed beams above though. I kind of like it that way and if it were up to me I might just paint the beams white…….however, the rules are the rules and I want to get the most for my money. So, we are putting in a drop ceiling.

Found the camera later…… was where I thought it should be………….just small and tucked between some papers so I missed it.

Last night, James returned home from doing the Berryman 36 hour adventure race in southern MO. Team Inertia (James and Ryan Slebos) were very happy with their time although they did not complete the bike portion of the race due to Slebos’s bike having a ruined derailleur and chain. They completed the rest of the race, but were “unranked”. James has sore muscles, scrapes, bruises and some poison ivy, but overall he came home in good shape which was a giant relief for me. I was a little more worried than usual; did not want him to break an arm just days before his first child arrived.

Anyhow……..I am in good spirits and hoping to get a lot “wound up” today and tomorrow so Wednesday will be a piece of cake.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Jane Fonda has more sass in her pinky finger than Lindsey Lohan has in her entire, incredibly hot, young body.

Good luck! Post some pictures of the baby with that fancy camera.