Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sorry I did not update this sooner!!
Just as planned, October 3rd we had our baby girl.
Allia (Alli) Karen Kaufman
born October 3rd at 5pm.

weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces and
measuring 20 inches long

in Boone Hospital, Columbia Missouri
to Judi McDermit

and James Kaufman


Anonymous said...

Now we need current pictures!!

Brian said...

You missed your chance to name your baby, Muhammad Ali. So close. :)

Super-cute pictures!

Andy Emerson said...

Hadn't been to you blog site in awhile. Lots of cute pictures of Alli Karen!

Here's some pointless? trivia. I was actually born a Kaufman, but changed my last name later. My first 2 initials are still AK.