Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wednesday 9-26-07

So, if you have not tried the frozen spinach pizza from California Pizza Kitchen, you really should. I like to add some chopped up red bell peppers and mushrooms to round out the experience. It is delish! I think the cheese combination is what makes it and the light, thin crust is nice and crunchy; not overfilling. Pick one up today in your grocer’s freezer.

So this morning I had dueling doctor visits. Actually they are like diabolical opposites those doctors. First was Dr. Grant; the high risk specialist.
He is ALWAYS on time; ALWAYS professional and even a bit fastidious. (he is left handed!) We did the normal ultrasound and then the non-stress test monitoring and all was “perfect”. I was out of there by 8:30 just like clockwork.
Then there was my 9:15 appointment with Dr. Trumbower.He is a bit disheveled and ALWAYS running late, very late and even sometimes very, very late. He has delivered thousands of babies and is regarded as one of the best in Mid Missouri and quite simply I just like him. (he bikes to work)

As I waited in his office for at least an hour, I decided that waiting to see the doctor would not be so bad if they would just provide you with a big, comfy, recliner and let you just take a nap. I could have used a nice hour long nap and then I would have left the office feeling revitalized and ready for the day. Instead, I read at least 3 pointless magazines, sat in an upright chair with no arms and tried to keep my knees together and appear lady like despite the fact that I was in a skirt, 9 months pregnant and almost 40 pounds over my normal weight. I almost dozed off a few times, but worried I might actually fall over, so I tried my darndest to stay awake. Dr. Trum did check my cervix and I am 50% effaced and fingertip dilated; which basically means my body has started to prepare for labor, but it is no big deal. He said to report to Labor and Delivery at Boone next Wednesday morning at 6 am. He reminded me that we can’t start without me so no one will be upset if I am late. He said I could have a nice breakfast beforehand; which sounds like a great idea. Historically you could not eat all day while in labor and it was a total bummer to be starving and get nothing but ice chips from a grumpy nurse.

Other interesting news: Malcolm has been nominated to participate in People to People.
What this means is next summer he will get to spend 20 days in Australia with a group of 40 kids who have been nominated and approved to represent the US in a cross cultural exchange. Yes, it costs some money, however, I am absolutely sure it is a once in a lifetime opportunity that you would be crazy to pass up. (I wish I could go.) And, he will get high school and / or college credit for it as well. The presentation that we attended last night was well done and the organization appears to be well run.


Anonymous said...

I so hate it when doc's are late...I would not have been very lady like. ;-)

Brian said...

These doctors...these guys!!! They only care about your best interests. You don't have to worry about what's going to happen to you. You're going to have your baby successfully.