Thursday, September 20, 2007

Two Weeks to go!
she was counting fingers

I went to the doctor yesterday and they dubbed me full term (37 weeks). They told me that they would be perfectly happy to see me spontaneously go into labor any day now. I WOULD TOO!! Although I am 99.9% sure it will never happen. Chris was late………..very late, weeks late; and all three were induced. Women in my family all incubate long. My mother was conceived on New Year’s Eve and born on October 7th………that is actually about 3 weeks past due if you do the math from a missed period.

Ultrasound of baby arm 9-19-07

I am certainly ready. The baby is big (around 6 pounds now) and almost all my clothes do not fit anymore. Even my maternity clothes are getting small, tight or too short. She is kicking and stretching all the time and she is strong enough now that at times it truly hurts. I can’t get comfortable when lying down, so sleeping is no fun. I toss and turn most of the night. I am really never comfortable. I waddle around grunting and groaning as I lug around an awkward 35 extra pounds. Losing the extra weight won’t be fun either. My original goal was to not gain it in the first place……..which is the smart way to handle it. Eating for two does not give you license to eat twice as much. A fact that most women like to ignore; but not me, I believe in taking care of your body. I admit I have been partaking in more ice cream and snacks than I normally would have. However, that did not start until I was already losing the battle with the food. The first 3 months I gained barely a pound and I thought I was on my way to an easy pregnancy with a reasonable weight gain. Then, I started feeling sick, very sick, if I tried to go on an empty stomach. I was so sick if I ate less that I could not work and I could not think. (honestly, I think it was a direct result of the medication the doctors put me on) Anyhow, I had to work and I had to think so I had to eat. I ate mostly good food. Cottage cheese has been my all time favorite with this pregnancy. I’ve been eating lots of fruit too. I had problems with getting car sick and a full stomach seemed to help, so the McDonald’s drive thru breakfast has happened to me a lot in the last few months. Which is something I NEVER would have done in the past………although, an Egg McMuffin is not a terrible thing to eat. It is around 300-350 calories and there is protein, so as fast food breakfast goes, I am not totally ashamed of myself. Still, I think for a few months there, I was eating almost 3000 calories per day! No wonder I got fat. I have not counted lately, but I think my intake is pretty normal now; around 2000. My stomach is so squished that I can barely eat a full meal. I eat little meals or I feel miserably full. Last night, I took the kids out to dinner and pretty much snacked off their plates and drank a big glass of water. I was stuffed all evening and I did not even order a dinner.

I am pretty confident that being sedentary is making me feel terrible too. I am used to being on the go. I am used to biking and running and moving A LOT. (been cycling for over 10 years now) Lately, due to feeling sick and being so LARGE, I have done little more than go for walks or work on moving and getting my house ready to sell. I am looking forward to getting back to some sort of normal workout routine. I know it will be modified to accommodate a baby and my breast feeding chest, but I hope to get in some sort of regular exercise. Hopefully the baby will not mind the jog stroller and I can at least get out and do some brisk walks with her. I should have a lot of time to enjoy the coming beautiful fall weather.

So, the baby bed is made with clean sheets and ready to go. My hospital bag is packed and in my car (just in case). Dr. Trumbower has me scheduled to be induced on October 3rd. Three is my lucky number and Christopher was born on May 3rd, so having a baby on the 3rd sounds like a great plan. I have to confess though……….I am a bit scared. I don’t remember being scared before. I think when you are younger, you are braver. I have had more pain in my life these last few years. I respect and fear pain like I never have before. I hope that I am brave and rational on “D” day. I know I can’t wait to meet the little girl that has been living inside me. I am totally amazed at how much love you can feel for a little person who is not even born yet. It is almost overwhelming. It is a beautiful thing.


Brian said...

That's an impressive bulging bicep your baby is displaying but she's throwing out a peace sign to show us that she means no harm.

Congratulations, on the good news. It's good to hear everything is going well with the baby. Keep us updated.

krishna said...

Thats a great description of the feeling, both emotional and physical that a mom goes through...touching at times to think what our mother's went through, and I hope you have a safe delivery.