Thursday, September 20, 2007

Baby Shower #2.
My friends Elissa & Julia threw me a baby shower on the 8th of September. We had yummy snacks, and they provided wine, mixed drinks and beer. It was a VERY good time.

Julia with Sugar in the new baby sling.
My old roommate, Sarah Sallee, came all the way from Chicago. It was a great surprise to see her. How awesome that she drove 6 hours just for ME! I was even glad to see her little black dog named Sugar.

Me and Sarah

Cherie and Nicole

Highlight of the evening was tie dying baby onesies. I unfortunately did not take any photos of the action as it was unfolding in the kitchen. They spread out a few black garbage bags to protect the wood floor and everyone gathered around and went nuts with the little bottles of dye. It was fun. They had to soak overnight and then I washed them the next morning. This is how they turned out.

Baby blanket a gift from Zoe.

Rachel Ray cook book – gift from Malcolm…… was a sort of a gag gift. However, I am sure he would be thrilled if I cooked him something out of the book.

Baby bathtub gift from Nicole.

Zoe eating cake.

Also in attendance where: Claudia Buse and Jessica Kovarik. (I did a poopy job of getting photos of everyone.............bad Judi!)

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