Monday, August 27, 2007

From the Columbia Tribune Newspaper
NASCAR star helps a pal,
Edwards ride-along draws hundreds.

By JONATHON BRADEN of the Tribune’s staff
Published Monday, August 27, 2007

NASCAR driver Carl Edwards and longtime friend Sam Russell share a laugh before the start of a benefit bike ride to help with Sam’s medical expenses since he became paralyzed in a mountain biking accident.

After celebrating what he called the biggest win of his career on Saturday night, NASCAR driver Carl Edwards joined another celebration yesterday afternoon to benefit a childhood friend who was injured in a mountain biking accident in June.
Edwards, who grew up in Columbia, rode his bike with more than 150 people who came out to "Ride with Carl for Sam," and hundreds more attended the event at State Farm Insurance to benefit Sam Russell, who was paralyzed from the waist down last month in Wisconsin.
"It’s so good to be back here in Missouri," said Russell, who flew to Columbia yesterday to attend the event. "It never ceases to kind of amaze how many people are here and are helping and how many friends you have."
The event featured bike rides with Edwards, a live auction and tents full of merchandise and event T-shirts.
"It was one of the most amazing, best days of my life yesterday to see all those people and the outpouring of love," his mother, Nancy Russell, said this morning.
She said she won’t know exactly how much money was raised for a couple of days because so many different parties were involved, but she said the total will be more than $20,000.
"It’s just awesome to be able to come out here and celebrate" Sam’s "life," Edwards said yesterday. "It’s cool to be able to be just a small part of it and help him out. He’d do the same for me."
Russell kept busy most of the afternoon talking with old friends. Even when Edwards arrived on his bike from his home east of Columbia, the two only had a few moments to talk before the biking began. For more than three hours, Edwards took short bike rides with small groups, pausing for a short chat and a photo with each rider, who paid $50 to participate.
Spectators and participants included friends, former teachers of Russell’s and lifelong Edwards fans.
"It means a lot to have that support," Edwards said as he signed autographs. "To know that my fans and the people who live here in this town will support things that I care about … that means a lot."
Linda Rudroff taught Edwards and Russell in first grade at Cedar Ridge Elementary. "Sam was one of the funniest kids," said Rudroff, who will retire next year after 38 years of teaching.
After about an hour of riding, Edwards helped out financially by offering the winning bid of $3,000 for a bike donated by Trek Bicycle Corp.
Sam’s "one of the strongest people I’ve ever met," Edwards said to the auction crowd. "I didn’t know how strong until this happened."
Just before the auction began, Sam Russell spoke to his many friends. "It’s not very fun yet to be in a chair," he said. "I have good days and bad days, and this is a great day."

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