Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Weekly ultrasound this morning and all looks GREAT.
Alli has hair now and we spotted her ears sticking out (I hope they are not too big). She looks very solid and healthy with strong bones. She is packed in there with her knees and elbows almost touching. They did not calculate today, but I suspect she weighs about 5 pounds now. Dr. Trumbower checked his on-call schedule and has tentatively scheduled me to be induced on Wednesday, October 3rd; which may change if anything goes wrong in the mean time, but it sure is nice to have a date in mind. I am really starting to get excited now.

When I was in Dr. Grant’s office this morning I struck up a conversation with the lady in the chair next to me. She is having a baby boy in late November. I asked if she had any other children and she told me she already had 3 boys!

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