Wednesday, August 22, 2007

33 weeks

So I went to the mall at lunch time and look where I got to park! It's like I'm a rock star.......except I waddle instead of walking.

I felt like a total dork parking here, but it did take minutes off my lunch break which is a good thing considering I have a lot of work to do before I can stay home and enjoy my maternity leave.

All is good, baby is kicking like crazy. I am about 90% moved to the new house. We now have cable internet at home so I can work from home after the baby is born. Been feeling a bit tired and sick, but I guess that is to be expected when you have a 4+ pound person living inside of you.

The other day I purchased a used jogging stroller. I am pretty excited about it. I really miss running and hope that the baby will enjoy some nice MKT trail runs with me this fall and next spring. Or, maybe James can push the baby, which will slow him down a bit and we can all run together. I am sure he will still be able to run circles around me!

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