Friday, June 08, 2007


After work, it looked like it might storm any minute, but Jason and I decided to brave the weather and head out to McBaine for a burger. We met down town and as Jason was preparing to leave; he questioned whether or not he should wear the spandex bike shorts only or keep his regular cargo shorts on too. I guess last time we walked into Lucy’s he received some odd looks from the locals who are a bunch of river town folk who live in trailers. I assured him nobody really cared and we would be out on the patio anyway. He put the cargo shorts in the car. The ride out went by quickly and we only had to fight the wind a few times. Once we got to the tavern, we parked our bikes on the patio and headed in. As we were walking to the door Jason says “I hope I don’t scare anyone with my jersey”. I assured him the locals would appreciate the jersey.

Sure enough, the cute little young waitress spotted Jason’s “shirt” and shrieked with joy, “wow that is cool! Where did you get it?” Jason explained about Primal Wear. Later, she brought us our burgers out on the patio and again was very friendly with Jason. He was enjoying her fuss. She then thought she spotted a four leaf clover in the grass and bent down to look for it. Jason was amazed to see she was not wearing panties under her denim mini skirt and her little beaver was in plain view! NOT REALLY, but that is the version of the story that Jason prefers. She was really wearing jeans and did not give him a free peak. Although he decided that if he came back later with his brother, his brother would surely have is way with her. We finished our food and paid our tab and headed back to town. The wind had died down and the sky did not look bad, so we missed out on any storms.


Anonymous said...

Judi, I couldn't have told it better myself. I was so distracted by her behind, I failed to notice the cool tattoo on her lower back until much later, hehe. The four leaf clovers sure are growing well this year!

Brian said...

I never even noticed your blog wasn't titled "Mystical, Misguided and Marvelous" anymore. I thought it was a pretty good name.

Judith Kaufman said...

Thanks for the compliment :)
I guess I just needed a change.