Monday, June 11, 2007

Friday 6-8-07
I took Yamina and Anselle home with me after work. As soon as I got to the house, I put them out the back door to meet Smetter and Archie. The events that followed were hilarious. Each dog wanted to smell another dogs butt so they ended up forming a dog circle (chain) with each one smelling the other one’s rear!! They walked in circles for quite some time just sniffing away. I am kicking myself for not getting the camera real fast. Then, Archie and Anselle spent the rest of the evening and all night jockeying for Alpha dog status. They were playing, fighting, humping, etc. all night long. Not sure who finally won, but my money was on Archie since he is a male. Then again, Anselle is older and more mature, which should give her an advantage.

Saturday 6-9-07
Saturday morning, I was supposed to get up at 5 a.m. and do the 6 a.m. CMC Krak group bike ride. Well, when 5 rolled around I was not really in the mood to jump up and get going, so I promised myself a ride later in the morning. I knew I would probably have to ride alone and I was just going to have to do it and like it. So, after coffee, packing to go to St. Louis, and a couple of peanut butter bagels, I jumped on my road bike and headed out. I did a super nice 25 mile loop from my house that heads up North on Creasy Springs then across rt. 124 and back down route E. I had to stop for pee-pee break number one when I was only a couple of miles from the house. I had just navigated a short section of road that was gravel and I think I just jiggled my bladder too much. Then, at around mile five, I stopped for pee-pee break number two…….when I looked at the distance I thought “how ridiculous is that? I had to stop twice in 5 miles!” I also ate a GU packet at this stop. I was getting a tad bit hungry and I have learned the hard way that my pregnant body does not tolerate getting too hungry well at all. In fact, I can bonk so fast it is scary! Back on the bike I was thrilled to discover that Hwy. W had new blacktop; it used to be full of these nasty grooves every 8 feet or so that just jarred you all over. Somewhere along the balance of the trip, I went pee-pee one more time and had another energy gel pack. Carb-boom’s are my favorites. By the time I got back to the house, I was in a great mood because I felt strong and like I had done a “short” ride. I was also hungry AGAIN! Really, it is a bother to get hungry all the time. I made a plate of nachos (not the healthiest choice) and pigged out.
When I hopped in the shower I noticed the ball was off the end of my belly button jewelry. So I took it out. It was time…….it did not fit very well lately. My tummy looks odd to me now.
Saturday afternoon, I drove to St. Louis, and collected Zoe from Grandma Lou along the way. Grandma had bought her two new pairs of shoes that she was very excited about.
After we got to my mom’s house, we did some shopping where I searched for elastic wasted skirts I could wear to work for the balance of the summer. I did LOOK at the maternity clothes…..YUCK!
We had Dierberg’s salad bar for dinner. Man, those grocery stores are nicer than anything here in Columbia!


Brian said...

I'm guessing you haven't been to Whole Foods yet. It's the closest thing we have to a total grocery store experience here in St. Louis.

My brother makes the ice cream there. How many grocery stores employ somebody to make ice cream? It's ridiculous.

Judith Kaufman said...

I have seen the Whole Foods store in other towns and it excites me greatly. Too bad I live in Wal-Mart country!!