Monday, June 04, 2007

Saturday 6-2-07
Hung out with Zoe all day long; Malcolm was at a friend’s house. I really enjoy having them one at a time. Zoe wanted to color her hair some wild color so we went to the beauty supply store and purchased some coloring. She originally wanted red & orange, but after discussing the fact that we would have to first bleach all the normal pigment out of her hair in order to get a light color to work, she decided we should try blue and see if it would show up on her brown hair. It did not work so well; in fact, her ears ended up blue and her hair, not so much. This is why more kids are not sporting wild colored hair! With that disaster behind us, we did a little TV time. Found Goodwill Hunting on network TV (I do not have cable or dish). Good movie……I really like Robin Williams. After that, I just had to get up and move around a little so Zoe and Zoe’s Dad, Randy and I, took Anselle and Yamina (our canine companions) for a walk on the Bear Creek Trail. It was hot and muggy out, but I was wearing my new $8 Wal-Mart top. So I was comfortable!! Yes, I am proud of my super bargain purchase. I had to buy a few new things since my normal size small stuff was getting too tight to fit over my new mom size breasts and belly. The walk went well, and even though we only went a few miles, we walked for an hour. After the walk I did a little maintenance on Malcolm’s bike and then headed home for dinner with Jessica and James.

Sunday 6-3-07
Jessica, Andy and I set out to do some crazy long bike ride. They wanted to ride a century and I was hoping to get in about 50 miles. We left my house around 10 am and headed north on Rt. E. Traffic was very light and we made good time to our first stop in Harrisburg. There we ran into Danny, Donnie and the Stookeys out doing the “Great Northern” route. Back in the day, I would have been riding with them; however, I have to admit that being pregnant has slowed me down a bit. Actually, I barely rode my bike the month of April and most of May and maybe that is what has really slowed me down (that and the extra 10 pounds I am packin). None the less, I am sure it is going to get worse before it gets better….LOL. At Harrisburg we all ate some fuel and visited the rest room and we were on our way again. We decided to bike to Moberly since they have a McDonald’s figuring we could get lunch and relax there for a while. We originally thought the trip to Moberly would be about 30 miles, but it turned out to be almost 40. Once we got to Moberly, we had to bike right down the business loop to get to the food site and the traffic was crazy and it was no fun. Once we safely arrived at McDonald’s I ordered a small Chocolate shake and a 99 cent double cheese burger. Now that hit the spot! In fact, I was so hungry, I went back and ordered fries. Next, I started making a plan to get back home. I did not presume to be capable of biking all the way back on my own and Andy and Jessica were headed out in another direction so as to get more miles. I finally decided to call my friend Cherie and get a lift part way back in her car. She lives up that way and I thought it would be a better plan to solicit her help rather than TRYING to ride back, getting into trouble and then calling someone to come all the way from Columbia to rescue me. Well, it turned out that Cherie was home and more than willing to help out so I was “good to go”. She dropped me off somewhere on route NN and I biked back to 124 then over to E and home. My Neuroma in my feet started to really hurt about 2 miles from my house and I patted myself on the back for not trying to do a longer ride. In the end, I clocked a total of 58 miles at an average speed of 15 miles per hour. Not too shabby given my current condition and the wind and the hills. (This is not a hilly route, but it is not flat either.) Actually, up to Moberly and back could be a great long ride if you are looking to do about 75 miles or so. Need to figure out how to get to the McDonalds via back roads too so you don’t have to ride on the four lane main drag.

Sunday night, the plan was to get some barbeque ribs for dinner. Can you believe our surprise when the best rib place in town, Smokin’ Chicks was OUT OF RIBS!!! However, it worked out well for Buckingham’s as they supplied us with a slab of smoked ribs and some side items to boot. Funny thing was, the best side at Buckingham’s is the sweet potato fries, and they sadly informed us that they were out of those as well! What is up with this town???

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