Friday, June 01, 2007

Thursday 5-31-07

So this morning I got up and did my usual 5:30 am run………which at this point has turned into a slow jog. I managed to eke out about 3.5 miles and felt relatively good doing it.
I am pretty sure the main barrier to my running fast and with ease is the fact that I have put on almost 10 pounds in the last month. So, if you were to strap on a 10 lb. bag of kitty litter and head out for a run, you would probably be slowed down a bit too. I refuse to feel bad about running slower!

Next week I plan on just heading out with the “c” group on the run and hopefully I will be able to hang with them for a few more weeks. I have to admit that brisk walking may be in my future…….oh the shame of it.

No really, it is OK. I know that the baby (her name is Paige), is going to slow me down and I am fine with that. However I do want to keep moving. Generally I feel like poop if I am not getting some kind of regular exercise. I may be addicted to the endorphin fix!

After work I met my friend Jason and we biked from down town Columbia to McBaine and got cheeseburgers at a little whole in the wall bar called Lucy’s; then we biked back. The round trip was approximately 18 miles. It was fun and the weather was perfect. We biked on the MKT Trail, which is a “rails to trails” trail. It has a pea gravel surface and is very level. It is relaxing biking except you have to navigate around old ladies walking their dogs and joggers. I hope to make this fun little ride a weekly event going forward and hopefully I can get a few more friends to tag along. It really is fun and it is a nice little work out that just hits the spot after work. So, if you are interested in going……just let me know.

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