Monday, June 25, 2007

Friday (6-22-07) night I went out to dinner with friends at Sycamore. I ordered the Spinach Salad and the Gnocchi (house-made potato pasta with asparagus, shiitakes and sugar snap peas). Delish!! I also liberally sampled everyone else’s meals (I know; hard to believe) and let me tell you they were all outstanding.

Saturday morning, I did a 20 mile bike ride by myself. Originally I was scheduled to ride with Tom Hall, however, he phoned at the last minute to inform me he had left his cycling shoes in St. Louis so he would not be riding. I suggested duct tape as an alternative but he did not think that was the best solution. He’s no fun! I wanted to ride longer than an hour and a ½, but Malcolm and Zoe kept calling me so I decided it would be better to just cut the ride short and address their needs. As soon as I got home from my ride I remembered that the grass needed mowing, so I threw on my mowing shoes and hit the lawn still wearing my Dogfish team kit. Yes, it is the perfect lawn mowing attire…….except the funny looks the neighbors give you. Hint; always take your helmet off before you start to mow.

Around noon I picked up Zoe and gave Malcolm the $20 he so desperately needed. Zoe and I stopped by John King’s house and picked up the tile saw and were shown the fabulous new back deck that John had built on the house. This weekend, he was working on replacing the front porch. It was nice to visit with him.
We had Lions Choice for lunch and then, Zoe and I went to shoe carnival; where I picked out a much needed pair of no healed, black sandals that were on sale for a mere $12. Zoe had to have a pair of Rocket Dog shoes that cost $40 and other pair that was $29. Kids are expensive!!

Saturday night we were just lounging around the house with not much to do so we cooked up some home baked banana bread.

Sunday at 7 am, I met Tom for a ride. He had gone to Walt’s and purchase a brand new shiny pair of biking shoes. Really, they were silver and shiny! We did about 30 miles and yakked like school girls the whole time. Life is good and it was great to catch up with an old friend.
After I got home and ate a snack, Malcolm and I moved more dirt to fill in the back yard. It was hot and after only about an hour or so, we were both totally sick of the project so we knocked off and went back into the air conditioned house. After cleaning up, we decided to eat at Steak-n-Shake for lunch. We tried the new grilled chicken sandwich. It was NOT GOOD, not even a little, don’t bother. The new yogurt shakes are pretty tasty though.

Sunday evening I read books and did laundry. I washed a whole load of cute little pink baby clothes that Cherie had purchased for me at a garage sale. It got me so excited about the baby. I think I finally have my doctor / insurance stuff all worked out which is good. Only medical concern at this point is my blood pressure so I think they are going to watch things closely as my due date approaches because if anything goes wrong, they can get her out and we should all be fine. It is totally amazing how much you love your baby before you ever even meet it!

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