Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Father's Day weekend

(6-15-07) Friday evening, Zoe went somewhere with her dad, so it was just me and Malcolm. James came over and we grilled some dinner and then the boys went outside to shoot guns. Malcolm had been asking me if he could get a 22 for his birthday or something and I was trying to appease him by allowing him to at least shoot one. I was aware of the 22 they were planning on shooting, but then I heard a real loud boom and went out to find they were shooting a full size deer rifle (Remington 7400, 30-06) with bullets at least 2 inches long! Needless to say, Malcolm enjoyed it immensely. James knows how to impress a 14 year old boy!

(6-16-07) Saturday morning I did an easy 20 mile bike ride with the CMC Krak group. I am learning to ride for pleasure and modest health benefits. Historically, I was “training” and felt I had to push myself or I was not happy with my riding. There is a perverse way athlete’s feel they must work so hard at whatever they pursue. It is a refreshing change of view to just do it strictly for fun. I spent a lot of time talking to Tina. I have always liked Tina so I was thrilled to get the opportunity to know her better.

Saturday afternoon, James and I worked on my pathetic yard. He moved a lot of dirt and worked on my water drainage issues. Saturday night we watched Sopranos on DVD and just relaxed.

Sunday morning, we finished up moving dirt and mulch and then James took off to go do his own stuff. I just lounged around the house and felt lazy. I had been feeling queasy all day. Don’t know why my stomach was just not happy all day long.

Randy had Malcolm and Zoe for Father’s Day. They gave him some gifts and a card. I actually got his vacuum cleaner cleaned and repaired for him. Not exciting, but necessary.

For Father’s Day I got James a couple of new sleeveless Prana work out shirts he desperately needed. I also wanted to get him a mug that said “#1 Dad” or something dumb like that and wrap it up from the baby, however, I could not find anything at the mall or the few other stores checked. You would think a cheesy Father’s Day gift would be easier to find! Deflated.....I finally gave up.

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