Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tuesday June 26, 2007

So this morning I showed up for the 5:30 morning run. Really, I miss it like crazy when I don’t go. I miss my friends, I miss the morning air, I miss just being outside and moving. Lately, since running has been hard for me, I have not shown up. This morning, I decided to walk if I must, but I was going to make an appearance. Mostly to just soak in some positive running vibes and get out and enjoy a nice summer morning. At the start, I hung back and let the bulk of the people exit the parking area and head up the trail. As I started walking I noticed that Tina was running with a few new people and they were keeping a very tame pace. So, I decided to give the slow jog another chance. I tucked in behind the three of them and when I decided that it was not going to kill me, I announced to Tina that I was drafting off her. Introductions were made and the 4 of continued up the trail. About a mile or so out, my legs started to get tired and I decided that the run, walk, run was my plan. I let Tina know I was walking and she kept going. One of her running mates stopped with me and said she would prefer to walk and take it easy as well so for the next few miles, her and I talked, jogged and walked. It was great and I was so glad I had showed up. I was completely amazed at how good I felt. I am not saying it was easy, but it was not as bad as the last time I tried to run. Last time I checked the scale, I was almost 20 lbs over my normal, pre-pregnancy weight so that fact that I ended up doing around 5 miles and more than half at a jog, makes me feel fantastic. Back at the car, James warned that he thought my legs were going to be sore. I assured him I felt fine and that I did not push myself. He was right though; my legs are already starting to feel ragged. My lower back hurts a bit too. Thursday I plan on showing up to the morning run, but I will make sure to keep my mileage a bit lower and take it a bit slower.

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