Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Zoe's Cool Class

Today was take a parent to school day for Zoe. I couldn’t join her for the whole day but I did manage to attend her last class of the day....Culinary Arts.

I didn’t have my camera so these photos taken with my phone are not the best quality. Sorry.

The kitchen is full industrial commercial grade equipment, very impressive and shiny.

Today the teacher was lecturing about vegetables. When she started discussing the advantages and disadvantages of canned beans, I had to pipe up and mention sodium content which was not on her overhead outline. She then told the kids how all canned vegetables are loaded with sodium and they should really watch that. I also pointed out that dried beans are much cheaper as well.
The kids all seem genuinely interested and one boy is obviously set on being a professional chef some day.

Most interesting moment: One of the overheads had a lot on it and the kids were moaning that it was a lot to write down. So the teacher says “If you don’t want to write it all down now, just take a picture of it with you phone and write it later!” Best was her tone as she said this….it was like “well duh”.

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