Thursday, September 01, 2011

Thursday Night Post Ride

On Thursday nights I love to do my group time trial bike ride. It is always a good fast ride (20 mph) and after the ride, we usually hang out and have a little social time.

Me in my new jersey that my sweet husband got me for my birthday.

Some nights we get a pretty good crowd.

Rolling out the sore spots with a beer can.

Bob showing us how to drink your water after you drop the bottle and bust the bottom open.

Uwe always brings snacks.

The Pork Steak Chips were just WRONG!


Unknown said...

Sounds like a good time alright :-)

Tara said...

Yay for Uwe and the snacks! And girl, post ride pork steak chips are awesome. Good protein. LOL

I love riding in groups, you can go so much faster on a fast course then when you are by yourself. It's fun to fly like that. Cheers to many more group time trials!

Love the cute pink new jerzey. Good choice by the hubby. I'm so glad you had a great birthday. :)