Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Judith

Today was my birthday so I took the day off work. Just because.

I took my time getting Beanie ready for school. Not being in a rush was fabulous.

After I dropped off the girl, I took the dog for a nice run on the MKT trail. Much to my surprise, Bindi acted civilized and never jumped on or chased the many people and dogs that were out enjoying the nice weather. We usually run pre-dawn so my wacky mutt is not used to sharing the road.

My coworkers threw me a party even though I was not there. They had chocolate cake and chocolate ice cream without me. It’s OK. I need to step away from the cake.

After a leisurely shower and puttering around the house doing anything I wanted I decided to head out and do a little shopping while I was unencumbered.

I made the mistake of walking into the Dick’s Sporting Goods store just to look around. $40 later I left thinking “only $40….That’s not bad for me!!” But really, I don’t think I can go in that store and come out empty handed. I think I have a Dick’s problem!

I went to many other stores that will not be named here because I have a husband that likes to gently harass me every time I spend money. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt me.

At five o’clock sharp I picked up my smallest offspring and showed her the new swim suit I found on clearance for only $3. She loved it too.

Back home, the husband arrived early and surprised me with a dinner offering of all my favorites. There was a nice bottle of chilled white wine, my favorite cheese Port Salut, artisan French bread, olive bar and some fancy hard sausage. I ate myself silly. I really need to step away from the wine, bread, cheese, olives and meat!

As Allia would say.....It was a SUPER, SUPER, SUPER, SUPER, SUPER, SUPER good Birthday.

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