Monday, August 01, 2011

6th Warmest July on Record

July 2011 is the 6th warmest on record in Columbia since records began in the late 1800s with an average monthly temperature of 82.2 degrees which is 4.8 degrees above normal. We had 20 days with high temperatures of 90 or above and 25 nights at 70 or above. The normal lows in July range from 65-67 degrees while the normal highs range from 87-89. We were above those numbers most of the month. Our average low temperature came in at 72.5 and average high at 92.0.

1 comment:

Tara said...

I think the whole country is hotter then normal, we are finally getting hit with a cold front.

Congrats on your race! Looks like your running is doing well this year, you'll do good on your half.