Saturday, July 16, 2011

Race For Recovery (Joplin fund raiser)

Today I ran a 6 mile fund raiser with all the proceeds going to help the Joplin tornado victims. It was a very well organized race put on by a local church and one of my running mentors, Mike Tripp. He is also known as the Beadmaster at our Tuesday and Thursday morning runs.

Even at the 7:30 am start, it was already another stifling hot and humid day here in Mid Missouri.

Mile one I warmed up at a 9 minute pace. Mile two I dropped my pace to an 8.5 minute mile and still felt pretty good. My intention was to keep this pace the balance of the race, but by mile three I was starting to suffer a little and slowed my pace just a tad. By mile four my heart rate was up over 170 so I had to back it off to a 9 minute mile pace which I held through mile 5 even though it was a struggle. I knew the heat was getting me at this point because normally, I can run at a 9 minute pace without exploding. My last mile was at 8:42 with a max HR of 183 which is very high for me so I certainly gave it my all. I was relieved to finish and upon stopping felt very queasy for a few seconds. I walked around a bit and quickly felt much better. I was not real happy with my time, but given the heat, it was about the best I could do.

I then went back out on the course to find Cherie and misjudged where she might be and missed her completely. I probably ran about 2 more miles hoping to spot her.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out I got second in my age group. The girl that beat me had a time of 51:33 (8:35 pace) and my time was 52:46 (8:47 pace).

I’m pretty excited about my silver metal.

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