Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weekend Highlights

Allia and James went to Grandma & Grandpa's for the weekend. I stayed home and accomplished a lot in two days.
Friday night after I went to the gym to lift weights, Zoe and I cooked up a yummy dinner together.

Saturday morning bright and early Zoe had to be at school to catch the bus to go to her jazz band festival.

The recent snow storm has turned our woods into a beautiful winter wonderland. The pictures do not even begin to capture how amazing it looks.

After a 6 mile run with Christina, I took Malcolm out to lunch at Addisons. They were still crowded at 1:30 p.m.! After lunch we got some Yo Go Luv.

We also checked out the "Can-struction" structures.
Christina's husband was on the Bee team.

This dinosaur was the winner.

My friend Patrick was on the team that built this one. Does anyone these days even remember what a record player is? LOL

Saturday night I read this book and really enjoyed it.
Humorous tales about dogs and their owners. The author has a dog rescue shelter in St. Louis.

Sunday Christina and I did a VERY hilly 8 mile run and I also went into work for a few hours.
Around four p.m. Allia and James got home and I hugged my little girl for a solid 10 minutes!

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