Friday, December 10, 2010

Why you should not browse at The Humane Society!

I had to go drop off an order and the store was closed. Being the lunch hour, I decided to go across the street to The Humane Society to kill some time and see if someone came back to the store. While I was there I stopped and petted this charming little gray Rex doe. She loved to get her nose petted and she was so friendly and outgoing. On the way out I asked how much the adoption fee was and it was only $20. I thought about her a lot and decided I should go back and take another look with the girls along.

Of course, we now have a new pet bunny.
Allia named her Tinker Bell, but I tend to call her Bun-bun.

She still loves to get her nose petted.

The rabbit is not sure if she likes Allia. Kids are loud and wiggly you know.

Nice profile shot.

Sissy love her too!

Our new bunny is adjusting to her new home very well and we are enjoying her company.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

I was tempted by a rabbit recently too. Ky didn't go for it though. And in his defense, we probably have enough going on at the moment. Bun-bun is beautiful! And hope you had a great Christmas!