Monday, December 20, 2010

The Box

Today a mysterious big box arrived. I saw it but didn’t pay much attention at first, assuming it was yet another EBay purchase my husband had made. Then I looked harder and realized it was from my younger brother “Uncle Bill”.

My first thought was to save it for Christmas and then, thinking harder, I decided it may just have chocolate covered cherries in it so I should probably check to see if I should be eating what’s in it. Inside the box was another box wrapped in Christmas paper. This is when the toddler suddenly appeared out of no where and wanted to help.

She pried open the paper and then in the box she found a big, rainbow colored tutu skirt. She was so thrilled. It was the dream skirt of any 3 year old little girl.
Mommy was a little sad there were no chocolates for her.

But wait, what’s this smaller box in the bottom here? It says chocolate on the top!

I tore it open to find a dozen, premium chocolate covered cherries. The kind with the liquor, pits and stems.

Yea, we both scored. Uncle Bill is Amazing!!!!

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