Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weekend Recap / Potty Training

Friday (9-17-10) after work I went to pick up my little cutie and was absolutely delighted to find she had gone another full day at school with no accidents. That’s right, three whole days in a row with no pee-pee in her pants. We cheered and smiled and jumped up and down and even high fived. Then I told her I would take her to the store and buy her a special treat as a reward for 3 whole days with NO ACCIDENTS. We went to the convenience store and I showed her the vast shelves full of candy and mints she could choose from. She looked in awe and gasped a little and then quickly selected a bag of plain M&Ms. Mommy rewarded herself with a bag of peanut butter M&Ms and we also grabbed a bag of peanut M&Ms to take home to Daddy…..wouldn’t want him to feel left out. Beanie beamed with joy as she carried her prize to the check out. Back in the car the little girl did not utter a word all the way home as she was too busy happily munching her candy coated chocolates.

Saturday morning I woke up early (4:30 am) and decided to go for a run. For a long time I had wanted to run around the mall thinking that it was well lit so it would be a nice route in the dark so that is what I did. I was right, I ran past the car dealer, through a few strip malls and all the way around the Columbia Mall…..all of it was very well lit and no traffic at that wee hour of the morning. I had some new Black Eyed Peas on my iPod so I really enjoyed my solo run.

Next up was my class at the gym. James left to do his long bike ride and I made breakfast for me and Allia as we prepared to leave. Of course, she didn’t want to wear what I had picked out; but I was feeling generous so we headed to her room to select an outfit that we could both agree on. This was not an easy task because lately she wants to wear her new fall clothes and it has been too warm for long pants. After much negotiating we found a new shirt and old shorts and we were both satisfied. We were now cutting it close to get to the gym on time and I was rushing around getting together last minute details such as brushing my teeth when Allia, standing in the kitchen, yelled at me that she needed to go pee-pee. I turned to her and said “well, you know where the potty is…….GO.” I then realized the front of her shorts was all wet and there was a puddle around her shoes.

I WAS MAD!!! I scolded her as I pulled her sopping wet clothes off her. I stood her in the kitchen sink and sprayed her lower regions off. I dried her with a bath towel and then used the towel to dry the floor too. I marched her in her room and redressed her in whatever I wanted as fast as I could. She knew not to complain. She knew I was mad and she was feeling bad and she told me at least once “I sah-ree mama.” I just wanted to get out of the house so I wouldn’t be too late to my class. We got there about 5 minutes late so it was not that bad after all. Still, after all the fuss to get the perfect outfit and then she stand there and pees in it……….GGGRRR!

I really don’t understand why she has been having so many accidents. She seemed pretty reliable for a while and then she just started peeing in her pants almost daily. I know she understands what to do and I know she can hold it, so I really don’t know why she has been having these difficulties. My guess is that the novelty of it wore off so she is not as interested or dedicated and thus has started putting off going until it is too late. As I remember, her older siblings, once they understood what was expected, did not have hardly any accidents; so when I go to pick her up at the end of the day and she is wearing different shorts and packing a bag of wet pants, day after day, it is a bit disheartening. I know it’s a phase that will pass soon enough, but in the meantime it is disappointing and a lot of work. Quite frankly I am sick of the smell of stale pee-pee in my laundry room. I have been doing an extra load or two per week just to get the funk out.

After the gym we did some shopping, went home, had lunch and then took our naps. After naps, I was feeling energetic and Daddy still had not returned from his ride so I decided to put the trailer and the bike in my car and head out for a trail ride. We parked at the Scott Blvd trail head and I put the trailer together and packed our supplies in it. After two tries, I successfully put the skewer for the trailer on my bike correctly. Finally we were ready to head out. I wanted to go all the way to Coopers Landing and back because I knew that 20 miles of pulling the trailer would be a challenge for me. As we peddled down the trail, I secretly hoped the girl would be good for that long. At McBaine (1/2 way) she seemed relaxed and happy so I decided to go all the way. I put my head down and tried to really push my pace. The longer we were out there, the more likely my little passenger would become irate. I have no idea how fast I was going, but I can tell you I was suffering and it felt good.

At Coopers we pulled in the lot and there was a band playing and a large crowd of people. They were hosting some sort of an earth festival. First I pulled the girl out so she could stretch her legs and then started to pull my gloves off. As she stood there right in front of me she proclaimed “I have to go pee-pee” and then, of course, she peed there on the spot. This time I was not mad……I was out of mad. I just looked at her and said “you should have held it just a little longer because the potty is right there.” I pointed to the port-a-potty that was only 10 feet away. She looked sad as I plucked her spare underpants from the trailer and changed her. Luckily she was wearing a dress so it was not much work to fix her back up. We then drank a soda and Tony flagged us down. He was there again. Maybe he is stalking us? We also chatted for a few minutes with a girl that I know from the gym. Then the sky started to look dark so I thought we should head back. The ride back was long and boring and we got sprinkled on just a little as we were nearing the parking lot. Allia was a little antsy on the way back, but I really can’t blame her. I would be too if I were sitting in that trailer for hours. Back at the car we loaded stuff up as fast as we could and pulled out of the parking lot just as the real rain started to pour down.

I was beyond starving so we drove though Arby’s on the way back. (Too bad we no longer have a Lion’s Choice in town.) Daddy was in good shape when we arrived home and happy I had brought him a sandwich. He told me that he had a great bike ride until mile 80 when he bonked hard. He said it wouldn’t have been so awful, except he had 25 hilly miles still to go before he made it back to the car. As soon as he got back to his vehicle he went in the gas station and downed plenty of Gatorade. Next time I am sure he will be more prepared.

Sunday was a dreary, rainy day and I was sure glad I had spent my Saturday outside.

New blue Jeans and shirt for fall.

I bought her this skirt for Halloween, but she could not wait to wear it.
Her idea to wear the kitty ears.

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