Saturday, September 25, 2010

Trip to St. Louis

This morning, I woke my little Bean up and told her it was time to get dressed. I put her Dora underpants out in front of her and she looked at them and told me she did not want Dora underpants. I told her that she was getting Dora underpants and it was not up for negotiation. She said “Why?” and I explained that too much crying and too many hurt feelings happen when WE negotiate an outfit and that from now on, Mommy would pick it out and we would just put them on. She said “OK” and then happily let me dress her in the clothes I had chosen. It was a good “Mommy moment”!

Then we went to the gym for my BodyPump class. My teacher, Jenna, is about 8 months pregnant and can no longer do a clean and press properly……..soooo………she asked me to come up front with her and do the whole back and hams track so the class could see the proper technique and have someone to follow along with. I was a bit nervous yet excited. At the end of the song, she said I did a great job and encouraged me to become an instructor. I told her I was already over scheduled but thanks for the kind words.

At naptime we loaded up the car and drove to St. Louis to visit my mother and get Allia’s photos taken for her 3rd birthday. Once there, James did some chores for my mom while we girls went shopping for a few things you can’t get in Columbia. We all enjoyed Lion’s Choice for dinner and James took Allia for a wagon ride down the big hill across the street.

James' feet are the brakes!

Meanwhile, back in Columbia, Zoe was attending the Homecoming formal dance.

Here she is getting ready with her friend Olivia.

Here are some party pics she took at the dance.

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