Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Long Ride Home

Last night we all slept so well. Not sure why except maybe the temperature was perfect. This morning we slept in (until 6:30) and had a good breakfast. Then James got prepared and at around 8 a.m. I drove him to the Katy Trail parking lot in St. Charles and he headed for home…….ON HIS CROSS BIKE!

Next, we got little Miss Alli ready for her photo shoot. (see below) I had made a 9 am appointment, first of the day, in the hopes that the place would not be crowded or backed up yet. So I was relieved to get there and find a bright, smiley young lady ready to take our portraits and no one waiting.

Allia was such a big girl. She followed directions so well really trying to do just as she was told. After getting a good batch of photos in the dress I had selected, she asked to go potty so we switched to HER favorite outfit. I knew that this would perk her up and we might get some more cute shots. And I was correct……she showed us how to make her skirt twirl and beamed happily at the camera. The hardest part today was narrowing down which ones I wanted to buy. I probably bought too many, AGAIN, but, she will only turn 3 once….right?

While we waited for them to make our prints, we went to the AT&T store to help Grandma pick out a new cell phone. Her old one was at least 5 years old…….ancient by cell phone standards. It had a Cingular logo on it! We found the store and they were very helpful and Grandma left happy to have a new phone but completely lost as to how to use the thing. Sounds familiar?

By now, Allia was ready to eat the leg off a chair and I told her we would get pizza for lunch. She looked at me and said in her most adorable little baby voice “that sounds delicious!” It was so cute I could barely stand it. At East Coast Pizza, all three of us selected a slice. I got the thin crust veggie with artichoke and spinach, my mother selected cheese and Allia went for the deep dish Chicago style. She really was hungry! I cut it up for her and she ate all of it.

Now it was time to drive back to Columbia so we packed up the car and said our good-byes to Grandma Arden. Once on the road, the toddler took her nap, as planned and I put on my MP3 player and listened to an hour long episode of This American Life. I so love that program. The drive went by so fast and I actually enjoyed it which is unusual for me since I am a driving hater.

At home, sissy came over because we missed her. I talked to James around 5 and he said he would be home in about 2 hours. I asked him how it was going and he said well and he sounded good. He requested pizza and beer so we made a special trip to the store to get him some. When he arrived home he drank a beer, ate ½ a small pizza, flopped on the couch with Allia and then promptly fell asleep. Beanie was climbing all over him but he didn’t seem to mind……after all, he biked 160 miles today!


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