Friday, September 24, 2010

The Lone Bloom

Today I came home and noticed there was a flower blooming out on the deck. The amazing thing is…….it is not attached to a plant!

This spring I planted some Morning Glories. They are one of my favorites and I used to plant them every summer as a kid under our mailbox because I loved how they would grow up and over the mailbox, swallowing it whole and blooming out purple flowers every day. I planted this summer’s crop in a couple of pots on the deck hoping they would climb up the railing and look cool. Well, it was a VERY hot summer and I was not real diligent with my watering so the plants never prospered. They shot some vines out but pretty much dried up and died. A few weeks ago I took the pots of dead plants off the deck because they were unsightly. So, when I spotted this little guy I was shocked. He managed to bloom somehow on his own…… roots attached to anything.

Mother Nature is one tough cookie!

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