Sunday, September 12, 2010

How soon they learn!

This morning my pretty little girl asked me for a vitamin. She has never done this before and I was not sure what gave her the idea, but I do have some children’s chewable vitamins in the cabinet and I thought “sure, why not.” She happily ate it and asked for another. I told her she could only have one. “Why?” she responded. (Her favorite reply other than “NO!”) I told her it was medicine and more than one could make her sick. She pestered me a bit harder but I assured it I would not budge on this and she got over it soon enough.

Later in the day I overheard her asking her Daddy for a vitamin. I rushed in and stopped him telling him I had already given her one.

The little smarty pants is already asking parent B for something if parent A does not give her the answer she wants and is not around to notice!

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