Sunday, July 18, 2010

Too Hot! Even for July

Daddy and Grandpa picked all these berries at the top secret berry patch!

I got up early to do my long run and headed out the door in my new shoes. A few blocks from the house, I decided I needed to adjust my home made orthotics so I ran back to the house to find a scissors. I was already soaking wet! The humidity was oppressive. I fixed my shoes and headed back out. I was struggling to feel good in the heat and humidity and it was only 7 am. By mile 3, my ear buds would no longer stay in my ears because I was sweating so badly. Frustrated I gave up listening to my music and tried to fish some of the sweat out of my ears with no luck. Then my feet started to hurt again so I stopped for another adjustment. Once I get it all right, the feet can do an 8 to 10 mile run without any sharp pains, but if the inner souls are not right, I will get sharp pains in my toes that are really impossible to ignore. By now I decided that maybe this “long” run was not meant to be so I headed back towards the house at the next corner. On my way, I had to stop and massage my feet one more time so I could make it back. It truly was one of the most miserable runs of my life and it was only 5 miles long.

It's summer time so we must post a picture of the kid eating watermellon.

Later in the day, the little neighbor boy who is about one year old came over for a visit.

Allia was not real excited to play with him and did not want to share her animals either.

We finally figured out she could hold his bottle and that would make them both happy.

Little Arian was not fond of being pushed in the doll stroller although Allia thought it was great fun!

In other exciting news today, on his way to meet Slebos so they could paddle boats James found out the hard way that part of the I-435 / I-470 interchange was closed because a sinkhole had caused the road to collapse!

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