Saturday, May 01, 2010

A typical Saturday.

My alarm went off at 5:30 and I rolled out of bed and checked the outdoor temperature on my indoor monitor. It said 52 degrees so I put on shorts and a light weight long sleeved top. I drove to the pool parking lot and met Terry and Lori for a run. As we ran through the neighborhoods, many a household was out in the driveway arranging their items for the big garage sale weekend. I saw plenty of things that Allia would have loved, but vowed not to go spending my money on stuff we didn’t REALY need.

After the run I showered and got ready to go to the gym. While I was in the bathroom getting dried off and dressed, Allia wanted to brush her teeth. I let her have the tooth brush and tried to apply the toothpaste for her but she protested and insisted she squeeze the tube. I let her squeeze and, of course, a huge blob of toothpaste oozed out and fell off the brush and onto the floor. I quickly grabbed a Kleenex and wiped it up, setting the tissue on the counter when I was done because Allia was strategically located between me and waste can.

Just before I left the house I noticed I had toothpaste on my hand…..I think the tissue did a sneaky transfer at some point as I was getting ready. Later, in the car, I noticed my newly washed hair was sticky……and minty……..somehow I even got toothpaste in my hair. UGH.

At the gym’s “Kids Cabana” Allia enjoyed playing with the toys while I did my hour long BodyPump class. After class, she did not want to leave, or at least wanted to bring the toy she was engrossed in along. I insisted she leave her toy behind so she was not real happy with me.

Back home, I started a load of laundry and started my weekly cooking. This weekend I made a batch of taco meat for taco salads, a huge pot of vegetable stew, I cooked some Edamame to snack on and I made a quick green bean and chicken casserole just for fun. Of course, I sampled everything as I was cooking so lunch was built into my project.

Around noon, Allia went down for a nap and I was winding up the cooking. I switched my laundry and hit the couch so I could relax and watch a little golf with my eyes closed. Next I read my Runner’s World magazine with no one to interrupt me. (I think James was off on a bike ride) It was glorious.

About 3 p.m. Allia awoke from her nap so we got a snack and played for a while. When James returned from cycling I swept off the front porch and had him move the houseplants outside for summer. I then wiped the thick layer of pollen off the porch swing, the railing and all the furniture. Gross!

A few more household chores and laundry was put away and it was 5 p.m. and time to pick up Sissy. Allia and I accompanied her to Michaels to buy supplies for a big school project and also handed her some cash and made her run into Wal-Mart for the rest of her needs. Next, we all three went in Hy-Vee to get a few grocery items. While there I spotted no less than 2 people I know……which is typical for this small town. Zoe picked her very own special microwave meal for dinner (her idea, not mine) and I got some fresh mushrooms and green peppers for omelets tomorrow morning.

For our entertainment portion of the evening, we finally watched “The Blind Side”. We all enjoyed it very much.

Everyone was in bed by 9 or close to it. I laid there and decided I should get up early tomorrow and do another run………4 runs a week are way better than 3!

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