Saturday, May 22, 2010

Finally a Saturday with No Rain

This morning I met some friends for a 26 mile bike ride. I have only been on the road bike once this year so the flat course felt mountainous. I really need to ride more often or not at all.

After the bike ride, I ate and changed really fast and headed to the gym to meet Ellen for our 9:30 BodyPump class. Cara was teaching and had me smiling the whole time. She is 9 months pregnant and HUGE and she still did a great job teaching and moved with unexpected agility. She hopes to not make class next week due to the arrival of her new daughter. I am totally rooting for her.

After the gym I stopped by Julia’s yard sale where she had many a junky item on her front yard and people were actually PAYING her money to haul it off! After much socializing, Beanie declared it lunch time so we dined in style at McDonald’s before heading home for a nap.

After I took a short nap I started my weekly cooking. I tried a quick quiche recipe that was darn easy but was disappointed in how it turned out. I will be researching and testing a few more recipes soon. I have lots of eggs to use up.

Mid afternoon, Jessica stopped by to show off her new dog, Apple and to pick up a dozen eggs. We chatted for the longest time. It was nice to catch up with her. I showed off my chickens and she didn’t even want to hold the egg that was so fresh it was still warm!

After his epic 75 mile bike ride, James washed and waxed both our cars which was super sweet of him. I think he was motivated by the gorgeous, sunny, 85 degree weather.

Saturday night, James rented Avatar and I watched it for about a half hour and found it boring. I am not a sci-fi nut. I may have dozed off while he watched the rest of the movie.

New outfit that Sissy helped pick out.

"Look at my matching socks."

She decided not to use her spoon!?!?!

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