Thursday, March 04, 2010

Two kiss stories in one day.

I love my baby girl and give her lots of kisses all the time. I also ask her for a kiss frequently.

Today, when I arrived at the Walnut Street Day School to pick up my little miss, the girls working there were all grinning and acting funny. One said to the other “do you want to tell her?” I started to think the worst. Had Allia hurt someone? Had she eaten a bug? Plugged up the toiled? What?

I uttered out loud “oh no, what happened?” Then the young lady to my left confess that Allia had just kissed the little boy she was playing with. I guess the teachers had instructed the kids to be nice to each other so Allia leaned over and planted a kiss on the boy’s lips. Not knowing how to properly respond to this news, I took one look at the little guy and said awkwardly “well, he is awful cute!” The teacher girls all giggled.

The toddlers were unfazed by the whole event and didn’t pay any attention to our discussion of their encounter. They are so wonderfully young, cute, innocent and LOVING; especially my kissy little girl.

Later, when I went to put Allia to bed, she was complaining that she wanted to sleep with Momma and Dada and I told her not tonight because Daddy is sick. Then, as a stall tactic, she asked me for extra kisses nighty-night so I bent down for a second round of hugs and kisses. Then, as I headed for the door, she begged for more. She was upset and I wanted to be nice (but not let her get up) so I went back and we had MORE kisses and hugs.

Then......... as I was leaving again, she asked again. This time when I went back she just hooked her arms around my neck and did not let go and kissed me over and over again. It was so sweet I wanted to pluck her from bed and carry her off into my room, but I had to stick to the plan, so I kissed her one last time and left. I felt so loved and so mean for leaving her. But Daddy has the flu and Mommy was feeling kind of sick too. Sadly, it just was not a good night for the family bed.

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