Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Today, after work, I took Allia out in the jog stroller so I could get in a run. Last fall, she was not a big fan of riding in the Chariot, but I figured that after an active day at school, she may actually enjoy just sitting and getting pushed around. And, I was right; she did really well. We ended up doing a 4 mile run on the Grindstone Nature trail. She marveled at puppies as we passed them and I encouraged her to say hi to the people that walked past us and smiled at her. She got a kick out of talking or singing especially when we were on bumpier areas because it made her voice warble. There was rain forecasted but it held off until we got back to the car…….I sure felt lucky.

A nice boy in the parking lot took our picture before we loaded up to go home.

Allia would peek up at me like this as I was running. It was nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are getting a lot of running in! That's awesome! I had to do a long run in the snow/rain the other day. YUCK.

Cute pic of you and your kiddo. I wish that they had had those jogger strollers when Maddie was young.