Sunday, February 21, 2010

The weekend was non eventful and I neglected to break out the camera. However, here are the highlights for your reading pleasure:

We started watching the TV series Mad Men. Wow, they were hard on the women…….and the drinking and smoking and drinking and smoking. I have cancer now, just from watching this TV series.

Malcolm had his annual football fund raiser pancake breakfast. All three of us went. Allia ate the, not so lean, sausages and James and I ate pancakes. They also provided some sort of orange juice that Allia was happy to drink. We chatted with Malcolm and said “hi” to lots of other people we knew. After breakfast, we all went to the gym.

I had planned on running Saturday afternoon, but got hit with a big lazy so I stalled and promised myself a run on Sunday. Well my procrastination did me in and I did not get to run outside. Sunday it rained all day so I ended up at the gym on the dread mill. I did however have a really good run. It can be fun to crank up the speed and see how you fare. I also added some Black Eyed Peas to my running mix and they pepped me up quit well.

Sunday afternoon, James and I took Allia to the ARC for another swimming adventure. This time, the place was packed. I am sure lots of parents, tired of being cooped up inside with the rain and all, had the same idea we did and headed to the pool. Allia was thrilled and this time not as pensive. She got her head wet, explored on her own more and got a kick out of watching the other kids. She even went down the little slide…..once. I think she got a face full of water and decided it wasn’t worth it.

The little chicks are eating, pooping and growing like crazy. Little feathers are starting to pop out on the ends of their wings. All 16 seem to be very healthy and happy. Did I tell you we got them through the mail? Yes, the USPS will ship baby chickens. When they arrived in Columbia, they called us and said they had come in and James went to pick them up right away. As much as we worry about things getting lost and ruined in transit, I am just amazed that the mail order chicks are so healthy.

This weekend, Allia was back in her laundry basket begging daddy to swing her. He obliged her and got quite the workout. I complained that I really like the laundry basket and didn’t want it torn up. The sewing was certainly going to fail if they kept it up. So, James went down stair and dug out an old soft sided cooler that has now been converted into the indoor toddler swing /daddy weight.

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