Saturday, February 13, 2010

Today Allia was bored and wanted to go outside, but it was really wet and cold out so I let her open her Valentine’s Day presents so she would have something to do. She was very excited and when I asked her to pose for her photo, she did her best to follow directions and do as I instructed. Sometimes she is such a sweetie.

Later, we created a new game. Allia found some change on the floor and was pretty excited to put it in her piggy bank. So, when she wasn’t watching, Daddy “spilled” some more money on the floor and I encouraged her to see if she could find some more change. She did a pretty good job of hunting up the nickels and dimes that were scattered on the carpet and then joyfully deposited them into her bank.

When she gets bored and tired, she has taken to being a bit destructive. A favorite trick is to bail all my cycling jerseys out of the drawer. I think she likes them because they are colorful and the drawer is down low in the closet. Today she wanted to put on a jersey so I helped her get into it. Perfect fit for a floor length dress....he he he. She showed daddy and then wanted right back out of it. She unzipped it herself and stepped out. I then encouraged her to put them all back into the drawer.

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