Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Last night I dug some old puzzles out of the closet. They are wooden puzzles that I used to play with as a child. This morning, first thing, Allia wanted to play with the puzzle. James and I were getting ready for work and we left her in her room working on this puzzle. When I came back later Allia was beaming and showed me that she had put it together all by herself. We weren’t even in the room!

This photo was taken this morning from the drive way. I think it is cool that you can see the trail that I built all the way from the house. The snow is on it so it shows up nice. This winter I had hoped to spend some time in the woods, but sadly, the weather has prevented me from enjoying our woods. In years past, I would spend all day Saturday or Sunday out working on the trails and enjoying the crisp winter air.

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