Sunday, January 31, 2010

Friday night, the girls played hard. Of particular fun, was Zoe toting Allia around in her laundry bag.
We also baked some peanut butter blossom cookies.

Allia now says “again” when she wants you to keep doing something. She also says “Yea” a lot. Which is sure nice, because up until recently, “NO” was her favorite word.

Saturday morning, Allia, James and I all went to the gym. When I got done working out, I went to find Daddy and he was nowhere to be found. I finally decided to get Allia from the kids club and have her yell into the men’s locker room for him. But, when I walked into the kids club, I found Daddy. He was reading books to a whole bunch of little girls. I don’t think Allia was real happy to share her daddy, but there were a lot of kids in there, so I am sure he was a great help to the staff.

Saturday the sun was shining and Allia was playing with her chain saw, so Daddy invited her outside to help him saw. I ran for my camera and could not find it anywhere. I was frantically searching the house when they came back inside and Allia was red faced and wet with tears. Evidently, she didn’t like it when Daddy actually fired up his real chainsaw!

James is building a chicken coop.

I started to feel a bit puny by last night and decided I needed some NyQuil to sleep. This morning, I could barely wake up. That stuff just knocks me out.

I spent today resting and doing laundry. My throat is sore and glands are swollen. My sinuses are also giving me trouble.

James did The Gravel Grumble which was about a 40 mile bike ride I think.

Allia fell asleep in bed with us. See the book by her feet? This is her current favorite book. She had us read it to her at least 100 times over the weekend. I think it may get “lost” in the near future.

1 comment:

CaraBee said...

Feel better!