Sunday, November 01, 2009

Today the weather was incredible.........nicest we have had in a long time. So, naturally, we tried to be outside as much as possible.

I met my running group at 6 am and thanks to daylight savings, it felt like we were meeting at noon. I was up, had coffee and time to kill before I left to run. But it was sure nice to run without our head lamps. No one was very peppy, so we muddled through the 8 mile Hy-Vee route. Please note, two of the three restrooms are closed for winter now!

As soon as I got home, James headed outside to play with his power tools, rake leaves and just goof off in the woods. Alli and I did the cooking and around the house stuff. Zoe got up and demanded a ride to a more exotic location.

After her nap, we took Alli to the park. She had the best time. I don’t know if it is because of day care, or just because she is a few months older, but she was running all over the place and trying out all the toys without much regard for where we were. She was so brave and adventuresome!

She called this guy a Zebra.........close enough.

She climbed all the way down this wall by herself. She is always very careful and rarely falls when climbing.

Stopped, just this once, to pose for Mommy and her camera.

She climbed up these stairs and went down these big slides and was not nervous at all.

She looked pretty serious coming down the tube. She did this slide over and over again until she was just exhausted. I told her we would make pizza for dinner and then she was willing to head home.

Once home, she got pretty impatient waiting on her pizza to cook. She even scooted her chair over by the oven in an attempt to speed things up. She finally got her pizza served up to her and she ate while watching The Simpson's. She had worked up quite the hunger at the playground!!

Daddy got new work gloves and decided to break them in a bit by wearing them around the house. It was too funny not to take his photo. New glasses too. Daddy's awful cute.

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