Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Today Allia wore her new denim jumper and came to work with me. Wednesday is her official day off from Daycare. We had a really good day. All morning long, she snacked, visited around the office, watched her favorite DVDs and played with her toys (and Mommy). Around 11 she went down for her nap. When she woke up, she wanted to sit on my lap and cuddle and hug. I love when she is feeling snuggly and milked it for all it was worth. When she was finally done loving on me, she went and swiped an orange from Gail. It took me longer to peel it then it did for her to eat it. God wasted teeth on this girl, she was practically swallowing the segments whole. She loves her fruit. Then we changed her diaper and went for a walk outside to the dumpster to discard of the stinky pamper. Well, it was so nice outside that she did not want to come back in the office at all. I picked her up screaming and hollering and drug her back in. So then she decided to get even and became a little terror. I looked at my watch and it was after 3 so I called Zoe to the rescue. She said “sure, I’ll take her”. So I ran her over to Sissy’s house for the last 1.5 hours of the day.

After work, all three of us girls went to Kohl’s to do some shopping. I had promised Zoe some new jeans as her payment for babysitting. She found some skinny jeans that she really liked so we bought them. We also looked for a cute Christmas dress for Zoe to have her picture taken with her sister. We were sad to see that the girls’ dresses are getting too small for Zoe and there was not much available, that was cute in a junior or women’s size. We will keep looking though.

I was thrilled that Allia was really good the whole time we were shopping. At the checkout Zoe and I purchased a Godiva raspberry chocolate bar….OMG it was good. Allia promptly fell asleep as soon as we got back in the car and headed to Zoe’s to drop her back off to do her homework.

Back at our house, Beanie woke up but was rather cranky so we granted her dying wish and let her watch “Pee-poe” on “TeeBee”. (Little people DVD on the TV) Daddy joined her in front of the tube and they looked so cute I shot a few photos.

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