Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day morning at 5 am Allia woke up and called for her Daddy. We all three got up and made some coffee and dined on various goodies that we found in the kitchen.

As soon as it was light out, James geared up and headed out to Landahl to mountain bike and I went for a jog around the lakes. It was a gorgeous sunny day and I really enjoyed my jog. I was also thrilled that I now know where the port-a-potty is half way through my route.

While we were gone, Allia played and kept Grandma and Grandpa company.

When I returned from my run, Grandpa and I put together this new set of big blocks which was actually quit the undertaking. They are made of cardboard and must be folded up.

In the afternoon, James and I went for a hike out in the woods. James insisted on going off the marked trail and we ended up bushwhacking for a while and getting lost. I was concerned we would miss dinner so I took over navigation and got us back to the car. Good thing I have an excellent sense of direction or we might still be out wandering the woods.

Grandma really put on a feast and everything was super delicious. We had green beans, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and even homemade stuffing with giblets.

Allia, for some reason really wanted to eat ice not turkey.

Later, she finally decided the turkey was divine and ate a whole pile of it.

Allia is getting good at posing cute for her picture.

After dinner, we watched the movie, "Angels & Demons" with Tom Hanks. This movie was entertaining but totally unbelievable. Not one I would strongly recommend, but don't go out of your way to avoid it either.

At the end of the day, it was Grandpa’s turn to cuddle with Allia as she fell asleep.

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