Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday, Daddy went to do some more mountain biking. He borrowed some socks from Grandpa and looked pretty darn silly.

Mommy went to Dicks and purchased an Under Armor shirt ON SALE (they never have them on sale) and a Christmas gift for James using her $10 off coupon. The store was not too crowded at 9 am, but the parking lot at the shopping center was sure busy.

At nap time, we loaded up the car and headed for home. Allia slept in the car as planned and so did I. We were home in no time at all.

Once home, we unloaded the car and I started a load of laundry. James went outside to play with his chain saw.....of course.

Allia wanted to play with Daddy.....of course.

We also went for a hike in the woods. When we came to the old tree house, Allia wanted to go up the ladder and we let her. Then, we decided that may not have been wise since the old tree house is falling apart. Daddy talked her down as fast as he could. However, this prompted us to decided, for her Christmas gift, we are going to build her a tree house / play set in the trees up closer to the house. We can hook her swing to it and we may buy a slide to attach as well. She will love it since she is big into climbing at this point. We will love it because it does NOT have batteries!

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