Thursday, October 15, 2009

When I went to pick Alli up last night, she was so relieved to see me. She hugged me and hugged me and was more than happy to leave. I was pretty happy to see her too!

When we got to the car she started throwing a HUGE fit. It took me a few minutes before I realized that she was upset because we had left her blanket there. It is customary for the kids to leave their blanky’s and "snuggle" things on their nap cots. I tried to explain to her she would be back tomorrow but she did not understand. I have always taught her to keep track of her belongings and not leave them or forget them and she was mad that I had suddenly changed the rules and her precious blanky was being left behind. She kept crying and yelling for her blanket. I felt terrible that I could not cheer her up.

I took her straight home and she seemed well fed and well rested. Her little outfit was filthy since they had gone outside to play despite the 40 degree weather and drizzly rain. They had warned me that they always go outside to play……..they were right. I had to stain treat and wash her pink legging twice and even then, they will never be the same again. Note to self, buy some cheap day care clothes she can sit in the mud in and I won’t care.

I had no idea what Alli had eaten all day which was a funny feeling. I assumed she had a nap since she did not seem tired. I offered her food and then planned on finding the lunch menu in the morning so I would know what she had eaten so I could better plan her nightly meal next time.

This morning, when I went to drop her off, she was not happy at all. She clung on me and cried and cried. The teacher got her started on an art project, but the minute I told her good bye, she was right back to crying. I did find the lunch menu and put an extra coat in her bin. We are all adjusting and at this point it is not going so well. I feel pretty rotten for just dumping her off with a bunch of strangers in a strange place for a whole two days in a row. I wish there was some way she could understand what it is all about. I know she will get used to it……..but right now I think she is feeling abandoned by me, which makes me so sad.

When I went to pick her up after school today, she was off in the corner by herself. She looked sad. The teacher told me she had been trying to get to her coat all day probably in an effort to go home. They said she was sad a lot and had barely taken a nap on Wednesday, but had fallen asleep during breakfast today.

I left today feeling better knowing that Alli would be going to work with me tomorrow. We also went to Wal-Mart and got some 100% polyester $8 play outfits just for school.

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